Financial Planning

Financial Planning
Understanding your needs
We review your income and expenditure patterns and identify areas where cashflow may be isolated for wealth creation or debt reduction purposes. We devise wealth creation plans which are tailored to your particular financial goals and involve a combination of investment, debt management, tax and superannuation strategies.
Financial Planning
Optimising your Investments
Planning Partners provides portfolio advice on a wide range of investments including direct equities, professionally-managed funds and fixed-interest investments.
We also provide access to a custodial facility to minimise the administration costs associated with your investments.
We provide advice on finance, taxation and investment issues associated with exercise and sale of company shares and options.
We can also provide you with access to direct property investments through our strategic alliances with Buyers Advocacy and Property Management firms.
Financial Planning
Structuring your debt
Borrowing money is about much more than just finding the lowest interest rate. Whether it be for a new home purchase, refinancing an existing loan, for a vehicle, or for any investment, Planning Partners will ensure that appropriate structures, entities and strategies are considered to enable the optimal outcome for the client.
We may be able to assist you to reduce your existing loan interest rate or provide you with alternatives from a range of other financiers with a view to providing you with a better outcome.
Financial Planning
Managing to the next generation
Planning Partners provides comprehensive advice to ensure that your assets are protected and distributed in accordance with your wishes upon death. We also provide a long-term, generational view of your finances so you have confidence your wealth and businesses can meet the needs of your loved ones in the future. Our tailored family programs aim to build communication, values and governance between family members. This can serve to protect your legacy and empower younger family members to make better financial decisions.